by rodt | May 5, 2015 | Blog
Spring has settled in with a few summer-like days here at Cody Wyoming. The weather has been fantastic with a few late afternoon thunder showers. I was working in the yard when a distant thunder shower produced this wonderful rainbow rising out of the lush green...
by rodt | Apr 27, 2015 | Blog
The past few days have been wonderful, pleasant days with the birds busy building nests, and Suzie and Rod working in the yard. Suzie has several species of flowers started in the solarium ready to be planted in the flower beds. In northern Wyoming it’s not safe to...
by rodt | Apr 15, 2015 | Blog
Today we woke up to a return of winter at the Windmill Inn. Yesterday was a pleasant day in the 70’s wearing shorts and flip flops, and enjoying a day of fishing with my daughter Sara in the mountains. When I woke up this morning everything was covered in a...